Centricut SE2000

System HT2000 Consumables

Reference numberDescriptionPkg / qty
1N/AShield, ported, dry/underwater*, 200 amp1
2N/AShield, ported, dry/underwater*, 100 amp1
N/AShield ring, one piece, 40 amp1
3N/ARetaining ring, heavy duty1
4N/ARetaining cap1
N/ARetaining ring, HD with IHS tab1
5N/ANozzle, Air/N/ArH, 200 amp1
N/ANozzle, Air, 40 amp1
N/ANozzle, O, 100 amp1
N/ANozzle, Air, 100 amp1
N/ANozzle, O, 200 amp1
6N/AGas guide, Air/N/ArH1
N/AGas guide, O, 200 amp1
N/AGas guide, Air/N/ArH/CCW1
N/AElectrode, Air, 200 amp1
7N/A2, ArH1
N/AElectrode, O, 200 amp1
*Use with Use with C61-270

System HT2000 Maintenance Items

Reference numberDescriptionPkg / qty
8N/AWater tube1
N/AWater tube wrench1
N/AWrench – electrode/nozzle1
9N/ATorch body, with water tube and wrench1
N/ATorch body o-ring5
N/AGas guide o-ring5
N/AGas guide cleaning tool1
N/ALubricant .25 oz. (7 ml) tube1